Technology Levels

Most hearing aid manufacturers, when introducing their latest technology, offer three technology tiers. The highest level of technology comes with the higher price tag – for good reason.

Technology TierHearing Aid Prices
Standard$1,500 - $2,800
Advanced$2,800 - $3,500
Premium$3,500 - $4,400

Premium technology showcases the manufacturer’s latest technological advances. A hearing aid in the premium tier will have all available features for that model.

Your HHP will also have more features available to them to modify the sound of your hearing aid (more channels, bands, frequency range, and personal programs).

Premium hearing aids will have the best speech processing, noise suppression technology, machine learning, connectivity features and automation of the technology, allowing you to move between different complexities of listening situations to hear seamlessly.

Each brand will have its own point of difference so each one is worthwhile to investigate, to ensure you find the right hearing aid for you.

hearing aid technology levels

A Premium level hearing aid, purchased through Hearing Choices, will be priced between $3,500 -$4,500. All the major brands will also have premium level hearing aids with rechargeable batteries. You can expect to pay around $250 extra per hearing aid to have this rechargeable advantage.

  1. Advanced technology hearing aids will have some of the premium features available, including automatic noise suppression, effective speech clarity in most complex listening situations, machine learning, directional microphones and connectivity capabilities. The technology available in advanced models will suit active people who have less multifaceted needs for their listening, compared to someone who requires premium technology. A number of brands offer rechargeable devices at this level. A hearing aid in the Advanced technology tier, purchased through Hearing Choices, will be priced between $2,500 – $3,000.
  2. Standard technology hearing aids will cover the most basic requirements for listening needs. The technology at this level will suit people who have a quiet lifestyle and therefore provide good sound quality for indoors listening. This means conversations in quiet with a few people, television programs and other audio will be clear for you. Features will include basic noise suppression, feedback management, connectivity and some will also have recharging capabilities. A hearing aid in the Standard technology tier, purchased through Hearing Choices, will be priced from $1,500.

invisible hearing aids

Invisible Hearing Aids offered in most brands will have tiered technology levels at a different price from the BTE and RIC models. Most brands have IIC models, and their point of difference will be reflected in their cost.

Rechargeable technology is getting smaller and there are now some ITC hearing aids and earbuds that offer rechargeability technology.

compare hearing aids

Do your research

There are so many options out there so it’s important to do your research. Compare prices and styles of hearing aids, read the reviews and also investigate if you’re eligible for a government subsidised hearing aid or how much your private health insurer will refund for hearing aids. Like the cost of hearing aids, this can vary significantly.

Talk to people who have hearing aids, find out if they are happy, with not only the hearing aid they were fitted with, but also the service they received from their HHP and Hearing Clinic. All these factors are important to a successful hearing aid fitting.

What’s also important is to find the right hearing aid for your finances, your hearing levels and your lifestyle needs.

Next Article –> Your Hearing And Lifestyle Needs

Previous Article –> Types Of Hearing Aids

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