Hearing Aids 101: A Beginners Guide To Hearing Aids
Buying hearing aids is a journey. And like any trip you take, you need to do your research, prepare a list of what you want, check out the reviews, then begin your journey.
This journey will start with a hearing test.
Once you’re on your way, you’ll want to ensure you make the most of the adventure.
Step 1: What You Need To Know
The Hearing Aid industry
Determining if you have a hearing loss
Do you need a hearing aid?
Surprising facts about Hearing Loss and Risks of Untreated Hearing Loss
Step 2: What’s in a name? (Choosing a Service Provider)
Audiologist vs Audiometrist
Services you should expect
Hearing Clinics: Big company vs Private provider
Read Reviews
Step 3: Hearing Aids – what’s right for you?
Step 4: The Hearing Test
Step 5: Buying Your Hearing Aids
Step 6: Getting Your Hearing Aids Fitted
Step 7: Life With Hearing Aids
Step 8: Getting The Best out of your Hearing Aids
Cleaning and Maintenance
Hearing aid batteries
Wax and Moisture Management
Troubleshooting your hearing aids
Storing and Insuring Your Hearing Aids
And it is an adventure.
Buying a hearing aid is a big decision and not one people come to easily. Hearing aids did have a lot of stigma attached to them. Now, thanks to technology and a much better understanding of why optimising your hearing keeps you in touch and healthy, more people are getting hearing aids sooner rather than later.
This guide will take you through, step by step, all the important checkpoints of purchasing a device that will augment your hearing, keep you connected to loved ones, and assist with your cognitive health. Buying hearing aids is more complex than purchasing glasses, but it is just as imperative to your well-being. Taking out the guesswork and not allowing a Hearing Healthcare Professional to make all the decisions for you, will give you a better understanding of not only what you’ve purchased, but why and how a hearing aid will improve your life. Essentially that should be your aim. Take the driver’s seat and control what’s happening on this journey.
There are eight essential steps to take when purchasing a hearing aid. These steps will ensure you gain an excellent grasp of what you’re spending your money on, and help you understand, acknowledge and accept your drop in hearing levels. When you understand your hearing and why you’re having hearing issues you’ll acknowledge the changes you need to make to ensure better communication for you with your family and friends. This is where the excitement of a journey begins – and it is exciting to be connected again.
Hearing Choices is here to help you help you on your journey. We’ve assisted many people find the right hearing aids and get started on the road to better hearing. We hope this Buyer’s Guide will help you to find the right solution for your hearing needs.