Hearing Aid Prices Australia 2024
How Much Do Hearing Aids Cost in Australia For 2024?
Hearing aids come in a variety of brands, sizes, shapes and colours. They also come in many different prices and it can be difficult to understand why some hearing aids are pricier than others. In general, hearing aid prices start at around $1,300 for standard devices up to over $4,500 for the premium technology.
Extra features such as Bluetooth streaming or rechargeable batteries may also affect the final price of the hearing aids.
When choosing the right hearing aid you will need to take into account a number of considerations.
The most important factors impact on each other:
- The technology you need to suit your hearing loss and lifestyle requirements
- The amount of aftercare included with your purchase; and
- Your finances
The cost of a hearing aid is generally based on the level of technology of the hearing aid, the more premium technology levels come with a more premium price.
Depending on your lifestyle or your level or type of hearing loss you may or may not require those additional specialised features or technology.
You can expect to pay the following for good quality hearing aids (per device):
- Premium Technology Prices – $3,000- $4,500
- Advanced technology Prices – $2,500 – $3,000
- Standard Technology Prices – $2000 – $2,5000
- Essential Technology Prices – $0* – $2000
*for eligible clients under the government hearing aid scheme.
You may have complex listening needs but limited finances. You may be a first time hearing aid user and unsure of your requirements. Or you may have been wearing hearing aids for many years, know what you need and don’t require a lot of follow-up service from your Audiologist or Audiometrist.
All of these factors will impact on the technology required in your hearing aid and your budget.
Many people are suprsied to learn that the power or size of the hearing aid doesn’t really impact the price of the device.
A large hearing aid with premium technology will cost far more than an invisible hearing aid with standard technology, despite its tiny size.
Hearing aids also come in a number of different styles. The most advanced technology is generally found in the hearing aid styles that fit behind the ear – either a BTE (Behind-the-Ear), RIC (Receiver-in-the-Canal) or RITE (Receiver-in-the-Ear). This is because there is more room to fit extra features in these hearing aids. Smaller, in the ear style hearing aids may offer alternative technology features and costs.
View hearing aid prices of the top brands
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Hearing aid prices often reflect the amount of technology and programs available in the hearing aid. Usually, there is a tier system. While the tier name differs by brand, the system is broken down into different technology tiers.
Example of Unitron technology levels
Technology Levels Explained
Most hearing aid manufacturers, when introducing their latest technology, offer three technology tiers.
The better the technology the more expensive the hearing aid will cost.
These tiers are identified by the brands’ individual nomenclature. For example, Oticon Opn S 1 has its premium level of technology, Opn S 2 has advanced technology, and Opn S 3 offers standard technology. Whereas in the Signia Pure X range 7X is the premium model, 5X advanced and 3X standard. The highest level of technology comes with a higher price tag – for good reason.
1. Premium technology Hearing Aid Prices
Premium Technology showcases the manufacturer’s latest technological advances.
A hearing aid in the premium tier will have all available features for that model. Your Audiologist/Audiometrist will also have more features available to them to modify the sound of your hearing aid (more channels, bands, frequency range, and personal programs). Premium hearing aids will have the best speech processing and noise suppression technology. Machine learning (a type of artificial intelligence – AI) in hearing aids will be at the highest technology level.
While there are many advantages of premium technology, the best feature would be the automation of the technology, allowing you to move between different complexities of listening situations to hear seamlessly. Your hearing aids work together to analyse the sounds in your entire 360⁰ environment, bring the speech you want to hear to the front while keeping background noise in, well – in the background!
Most hearing aids now offer wireless streaming. Premium level technology means you’ll get the audio signal with the highest speech processing features – even while streaming. You’ll experience hands-free phone calls, smartphone apps to make adjustments to your hearing aids and the ability to connect remotely to your Audiologist or Audiometrist. Each brand will have its own point of difference so each one is worthwhile to investigate, to ensure you find the right hearing aid for you.
For example, Signia hearing aids have the unique OVP (Own Voice Processing), Phonak use low energy Bluetooth enabling universal connection to all smartphones and Oticon’s Opn S technology has the exclusive BrainHearing™ technology and fastest feedback suppression system. Unitron has the only Flex: Trial and Flex: Upgrade systems allowing you to trial different levels of technology and upgrade within the hearing aid technology (without having to get a new device). And the Starkey Livio AI uses inertial measurement sensors for their Brain & Body health tracking and fall detection features.
A Premium level hearing aid will be priced between $3,500 – $4,500.
All the major brands will also have premium level hearing aids with rechargeable batteries. You can expect to pay around $250 extra per hearing aid to have this rechargeable advantage.
Some Of The Top Premium Technology Hearing Aids Are:
- Oticon Opn S1
- Starkey Livio AI 2400
2. Advanced technology Hearing Aid Prices
Advanced technology will be a step down from the top-level technology hearing aids, with only some of the premium features available but advanced models will have all the benefits of standard technology.
The technology available in advanced models will suit active people who have less multifaceted needs for their listening, compared to someone who requires premium technology. The features in these hearing aids include automatic noise suppression, effective speech clarity in most complex listening situations, machine learning, directional microphones and good wireless streaming capabilities. Your Audiologist/Audiometrist will have a range of channels and frequency bands to adjust to your needs. A number of brands offer rechargeable devices at this level.
A hearing aid in the Advanced technology tier will be priced between $2,500 – $3,000.
Some Of The Top Advanced Technology Hearing Aids Are:
3. Standard technology Hearing Aid Prices
Standard Technology will cover the most basic requirements for listening needs. The technology in this level of hearing aid will suit people who have a quiet lifestyle and therefore provide good sound quality for indoor listening.
This means conversations in quiet with a few people, television programs and other audio will be clear for you. Features will include basic noise suppression, feedback management, wireless streaming (in some models) and some will also have recharging capabilities. The range of channels and frequency bands for your Audiologist/Audiometrist to adjust will be reduced. You will also have fewer programs available in your hearing aids for your personal listening requirements.
A hearing aid in the Standard technology tier will be priced from $2000.
Some Of The Top Advanced Technology Hearing Aids Are:
At Hearing Choices we aim to provide up-to-date and relevant information about hearing aid prices, including whether more expensive means better, the different fits available, and looking more in-depth at the technological tier system.
In the end, if you still have any questions, you can contact our professional team through live chat, telephone or email!
By purchasing hearing aids through Hearing Choices you can save up to 40% compared to traditional hearing aid clinics. Your hearing health is our priority and therefore we offer a 45 day trial period and satisfaction guarantees for all our sales.
What hearing aid types and fits are there?
- Virto M Titanium (pricing from $3600), which is the smallest IIC on the market and made from titanium
- Lyric extended wear hearing aid which is fitted in the canal and worn for months at a time. The pricing involves a yearly subscription
If you don’t want to have a custom fitted IIC you can opt for Signia’s Silk NX (pricing from $2300):
- Ready to wear invisible hearing aid (no impression required)
- The world’s first CROS in the canal hearing aid (for those with single-sided deafness)
Unitron have a very reasonably priced invisible hearing aid – the Insera IIC. Costs start from $1500 and this IIC can be fitted with a Telecoil if required.
Check out each manufacturer for their invisible aid technology and the pricing structure for their smallest technology.
Hearing Aid PricesHearing Aid prices start from roughly $1,300 for standard devices up to $5,000 for the top technology. Prices depend on the style of hearing aids, the technology level and the amount of aftercare included. We’ve provided information about the best hearing aid brands on the market.
Brand | Most Popular Model | Price from | Technology |
Oticon | Oticon OPN | $2,450 | Premium |
Siemens | Siemens Signia Pure Primax | $2,300 | Premium |
Phonak | Phonak Audeo B | $1,350 | Premium |
Widex | Widex Beyond Fusion | $2,100 | Premium |
Unitron | Unitron Moxi Tempus | $2,350 | Premium |
Starkey | Starkey Muse | $1,450 | Premium |
Subsidised Hearing Aids Prices
Hearing Choices has the right hearing aid for all customers. Some people may be entitled to receive subsidised hearing aids. If you fall into one of the following categories you may be eligible for fully funded hearing aids through the Australian Government’s Hearing Services Program:
- Senior Australian holding a Pensioner Concession card
- receiving a Sickness Allowance from Centrelink
- Department of Veteran’s Affairs
- Gold card holder
- White card holder
- a dependent person of either above category
- Australian Defence Force member
- referred by Disability Employment Services Program
- a participant in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
If you think you are eligible to receive subsidised hearing services you will need to apply for a voucher. You can apply through your Hearing Services Provider, call the Hearing Services program on 1800 500 726, or apply online.
If you belong to a private health company you may be entitled to a reimbursement for the cost of your hearing aid. You can check the level of hearing aid refund for your private health provider here.
Bundled vs. Unbundled Hearing Aid Prices
It’s important to be aware of what the price of your hearing aid includes. When you’re buying a hearing aid you’re generally buying the hearing aid as well as servicing and followup appointments for any adjustments or warranty repairs required.
Bundled Hearing Aid Prices
A bundled hearing aid price means you are generally given one price for the hearing aids and service and can include anywhere from 30 days worth of service up to unlimited appointments for the lifetime of the hearing aids. Generally this costs more upfront but if you require alot of assistance is cheaper in the long run.
Un-Bundled Hearing Aid Prices
A unbundled hearing aid prices means you are given the price for the hearing aids itself and a separate price for the service included with the hearing aids. Generally by going this route you may be able to vary or modify the amount of service which in turns changes the price. Generally you pay a cheaper amount upfront with the remainder paid over the lifetime of the hearing aids. New websites like Discount Hearing have entered the Australian market and offer completely un-bundled hearing aid prices with the ability to purchase extra service as required.
You may find hearing aids cheaper elsewhere, but just what does the cost of those hearing aids include? If you decide to purchase your hearing aids through another provider, check just what the price includes. Have they ‘unbundled’ the hearing aid device from the Hearing Healthcare Professional service? Some companies do this and you think you are getting great deal, until you realise once you get your hearing aid – you’re on your own. If you are an experienced hearing aid user, this may work for you, although most hearing aids will always need some fine tuning by a professional, to ensure the hearing aid is set to your individual requirements. If this is your first hearing aid, you’ll need to acclimatise to your hearing aids – and this, for some people, can take a period of time. So make sure when you’re comparing prices that you care comparing like with like. Is aftercare service included? How long is the warranty? Is there a day trial period? Make sure the price you’re quoted covers all these inclusions – to ensure the deal is worth pursuing.
Does a more expensive hearing aid mean it’s better?
Not necessarily. Hearing aids become pricier based on the technologies packed within. For example, a hearing aid with several channels, frequencies, and additional programs will cost more than a simplistic hearing aid with very little programs.
That said, if you don’t require additional programs and features, then a simple hearing aid would be perfect for you. But if you do enjoy additional features or need specific ones for your lifestyle (e.g a hearing aid that offers great wind noise cancellation because you work primarily outside), then a hearing aid with more features may be necessary.
The better hearing aid is the one that fits your lifestyle. This is specific to you, your choices, and your requirements.