Cheap Hearing Aids

The process of buying affordable hearing aids is influenced by a multitude of both audiological and non-audiological factors. When it comes to non-audiological factors, it is undeniable that your budget is one of the most influential. Unfortunately, it can also be the most limiting. However, at Hearing Choices, we want to ensure that you can afford the hearing aid that will best suit your loss and lifestyle.

In today’s market, there are a multitude of hearing aid models and brands that cater to those who desire cheaper devices. It is important to note that the main difference between expensive and cheap hearing aids is their ability to perform in high background noise. Therefore, if you have a quieter lifestyle, and only require a hearing aid to hear in more quiet, one-on-one environments without all the added features, a cheap hearing aid will be perfect for you.

Top 5 Cheapest Hearing Aids

1. Phonak Audéo B30 (Retail: $1,400, OHS: $800): a RIC hearing aid optimal for those with a mild to severe hearing loss. It comes in three designs to ensure that you also have control over the size of the hearing aid. Features include WhistleBlock, NoiseBlock, QuickSync, and Tinnitus Balance. This hearing aid had 4 streaming programs, 8 channels, and Bluetooth. It is said to deliver 20% improvement in speech understanding in normal environments, and 60% in noisy environments. It uses Phonak’s AutoSense OS.

  • AutoSense OS: designed for everyday listening and adapts the output of the hearing aid depending on where you are using it. This is done by constantly analysing the environment and making the appropriate adjustments. For the B30, it works in Calm Situations and Speech in Noise.
Phonak Audeo B 30

Phonak Audeo B 30

Release Date: 2017



2. Phonak Bolero B30 (Retail: $1,400, OHS: $800): a BTE hearing aid optimal for mild to profound hearing losses. It comes in four designs, and includes a telecoil and volume control all in a water-resistant casing. This hearing aid is great for those with more active and social lifestyles. This hearing aid provides 5 programs, 4 streaming programs, Bluetooth, SoundRecover2, 8 channels, WhistleBlock, NoiseBlock, and Tinnitus Balance. It uses Phonak’s AutoSense OS.

  • AutoSenseOS: analyses and automatically adjusts the settings of the hearing aid to provide a seamless and natural listening experience. For the B30, it works in Calm Situations and Speech in Noise.
Phonak Bolero B 30

Phonak Bolero B 30

Release Date: 2017



3. Widex Beyond 110 (Retail: $1,600, OHS: $1,000): a made-for-iPhone hearing aid that offers great sound quality and direct connectivity. Through the app, you can customise the settings of your hearing aid anywhere. In addition, the app is easy to use and applies changes quickly and seamlessly. Settings that you can change with the app include; volume, frequency equalisation, sound mix, and the directionality of the microphones. Other features of this hearing aid include 4 channels, Noise Reduction, Soft Level Noise Reduction, Personal Acclimatisation, and Feedback Cancelling.

Widex Beyond 110

Widex Beyond 110

Release Date: 2017



4. Unitron Moxi Fit T 600 (Retail: $1,700, OHS: $1,100): it is the smallest wireless RIC available. This hearing aid makes seamless adjustments in various environments. It has a discreet design and can be customised to suit your style. Features include SoundNav in Conversation in Quiet, Conversation in Noise, and Quiet, Speech Enhancement, Noise Reduction, Multiband Adaptive Directionality, Tinnitus Masker, and 10 channels. It uses Unitron’s Tempus technology.

  • Tempus: processing of the hearing aid is 50% more accurate, and 36% faster. It understands the user’s listening environment, and makes the appropriate adjustments
Unitron Moxi Fit T 600

Unitron Moxi Fit T 600

Release Date: 2017



5. Hansaton Sound SHD 3 (Retail: $1,700): the newest and smallest device in the Sound SHD range, this hearing aid has a sleek style that not only fits snuggly on your ear but is barely visible. Features include 8 channels, Noise Reduction, Multi-microphone technology, Wind Noise Manager, Speech Detection, Feedback Manager, and SurroundSupervisor SHD. It uses Hansaton’s AutoSurround SHD technology.

  • AutoSurround SHD: automatically adjusts the hearing aid settings for optimised sound and speech clarity regardless of the social environment. Available in Conversation in Noise, Conversation in Quiet, and Quiet.
Hansaton Sound SHD 3

Hansaton Sound SHD 3

Release Date: 2017



Cheap Hearing Aid Comparisons

The Phonak Audéo B30 is preferred over the Audéo V as the AutoSense OS has been upgraded to provide better hearing performance, sound quality, and comfort. The automatic ability of the B30 does lack when compared to higher levels, but you can still adjust manually. Although this device does not include direct-to-phone capability, if you do not require this, then there is no reason to pay more for a device that does. Compared to the B50, there is little difference.

The Phonak Bolero B30 is the best of all of these entry-level hearing aids for more severe degrees of hearing loss due to its ability toproduce more power. Compared to the Bolero V30, the B30 includes SoundRecover2, and better features for soft sounds and asymmetrical hearing losses. Once again, the automatic ability does lack, but this is still a great hearing aid, especially for the price.

The Widex Beyond 110 is optimal for those who wish to have more connectivity between their hearing aid and phone. With this device,you can stream calls and music directly to your hearing aids. This is also perfect for those who wish to have control over their devices but may struggle with the small controls. This device is not largely different from the 220.

The Unitron Moxi Fit T 600 is highly recommended for those who desire a discreet hearing aid as it is the smallest RIC currently available. Compared to the Unitron Moxi Fit 500, the 600 includes SoundNav which automatically changes the frequency response of the hearing aid depending on your social environment. However, like the Phonak Audéo B30, the automatic ability of the device does lack when compared to the higher technology levels.

The Hansaton Sound SHD3 is a great hearing aid as it features Hansaton’s up-to-date technology. There are various features in this device that can usually only be found in higher technology levels for other manufacturers, therefore making it worth the price. There is a large difference between the SHD 5 and the SHD 3 regarding the AutoSurround SHD technology, but all other features are present in the SHD 3 in a more basic form.

cheap hearing aids

Cheap Hearing Aids for Severe Hearing Loss

Most hearing aids will come with different receiver levels in order for you to find a hearing aid that will provide sufficient amplification.

  • Phonak Audéo B30: it is recommended that you choose the UltraPower xReceiver with this hearing aid as it will provide a range between 50-100dB.
  • Phonak Bolero B30: it is recommended that you consider the Bolero B30-SP receiver which provides a range from 20dB to 110dB in the high frequencies.
  • Widex Beyond 110: it is recommended that you consider the HP-receiver, as it provides a range from 50dB in the low frequencies to 110dB in the high frequencies.
  • Unitron Moxi Fit T 600: it is recommended that you use the xSP Receiver as it provides a range between 40-100dB, with the cShell custom mould.
  • Hansaton Sound SHD 3: this hearing aid is recommended to be purchased in the S13 size as it provides the most power.

Cheap Hearing Aid Batteries

Other than hearing aids, Hearing Choices also offers a wide range of hearing aid batteries. Each battery pack comes with 6 batteries, regardless of size.

  • ZeniPower hearing aid batteries retail for $6.00
  • Power One Mercury-free hearing aid batteries retail for $6.40
  • Power One hearing aid batteries retail for $6.80
  • Rayovac Mercury-free hearing aid batteries retail for $6.80
  • iCellTech hearing aid batteries retail for $8.00

Where can I buy Cheap Hearing Aids?

By purchasing your hearing aids and batteries at Hearing Choices, not only are you getting the cheapest prices, with an additional 5% price beat guarantee when you have a written Australian quote from another hearing aid retailer, but you also receive many more benefits. The price of your hearing aid includes a consultation with a local and qualified audiologist. Once you have purchased your hearing aid, you are given a 45-day trial period, and if you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you are promised a 100% money back guarantee.

Contact us on 1300 848 335 today for a free, no obligation consultation with a qualified consultant for queries or a quote of hearing aid prices.