To choose the hearing aid that will best suit your needs, you should consider a number of factors. Making comparisons between brands and models takes time but will prepare you to make the right choice for optimising your hearing.Factors to consider include cost, brand, model, features, style, how the hearing aid performs in background noise, streaming capabilities of the hearing aid and if it comes with rechargeable batteries. There are numerous hearing aids in the marketplace, so the task of comparing them all can become overwhelming.Hearing Choices can assist you in selecting the best hearing aid to optimise your communication. Check out the Phonak vs Oticon hearing aids comparison or contact one of our friendly staff for further advice.

Phonak vs Oticon hearing aids head-to-head comparison

  • Country of Manufacture
  • Country of Manufacture Switzerland
  • Country of Manufacture Denmark
  • Chipset Used
  • Chipset Used AutoSense OS 3.0
  • Chipset Used Velox platform
  • Phone Streaming
  • Phone Streaming
  • Phone Streaming
  • Background Noise
  • Background Noise
  • Background Noise
  • Directionality
  • Directionality
  • Directionality
  • Rechargeable
  • Rechargeable
  • Rechargeable
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Tinnitus Programs
  • Tinnitus Programs
  • Tinnitus Programs
  • Telecoil
  • Telecoil
  • Telecoil
  • Wireless
  • Wireless Bluetooth Classic
  • Wireless 2.4 GHz (low energy)
  • Telehealth
  • Telehealth
  • Telehealth
  • Manual Controls
  • Manual Controls
  • Manual Controls
  • Smartphone Apps
  • Smartphone Apps
  • Smartphone Apps
  • Cost
  • Cost $1600-$4200
  • Cost $2900-$4700

As you can see, both these hearing aid manufacturers have a lot to offer, particularly with their most recent releases. Phonak vs Oticon hearing aid premium models offer cutting edge technology and are leaders their field in many areas. Phonak was the first to introduce hearing aids that streams directly to all mobile phones (Audéo M) without an intermediary device. Oticon hearing aids will stream directly only to iPhones, but utilise an intermediary device for Android models.

Phonak vs Oticon hearing aids in background noise is in interesting comparison with both having models that boast 360° hearing in background noise and exceptional sound quality. However, Oticon wins the battle here with the Opn S hearing aid model. It has outstanding capabilities in noise and with its OpenSound Navigator probably provides the best speech in noise results of any hearing aid on the market today. This hearing aid scans the environment one hundred times per second, and cleans away noise from between words, giving superior understanding in noise. The speed of the processor in the Opn S allows the brain to make quick decisions on which speaker to focus on – whether it be one or many.

The rechargeable battery charging option with both Phonak vs Oticon hearing aids is the preferred Lithium-ion rechargeable technology.

A variety of hearing aid styles are offer from both companies, from BTE to IICs, with Oticon having a wider choice of styles than Phonak.

When looking at Phonak vs Oticon hearing aids for telehealth functionality, at present Phonak comes out in front, as Oticon only has this feature available for iPhone users. However, Oticon will soon be releasing the award-winning Kaizn app for smartphones and this will certainly challenge Phonak in the telehealth arena.

Both brands have excellent Tinnitus programs available on their hearing aids and each brand offers Telecoil functions for many of their hearing aid styles.

And finally, the comparison of Phonak vs Oticon hearing aids for accessories you will find a wide variety of accessories available for both brands. Coming out in front with technology in this challenge is Phonak with their new Audéo M (Marvel) which is equipped to be ‘Roger Ready’ for connection to their FM devices.

Overall, Phonak vs Oticon hearing aids present exceptional technology. Phonak’s 5-star rating is well-earned and comes with its latest model – the Audéo M (Marvel). This hearing aid has it all: excellent sound quality, ‘made for all’ Bluetooth streaming to all mobile phones, longer charge with its rechargeable battery, artificial intelligence, accessory ready and a fantastic telehealth functionality. It just edges out Oticon, who earns a 4.5 star rating. Leading its vast array of features is the OpenSound Navigator that will provide the best 360° hearing due to its superior signal to noise ratio in background noise. The Oticon Opn S will provide amazing speech quality, which makes it a worthy opponent for the Phonak Audéo M hearing aid.

These are two of some of the best hearing aid manufacturers on the market.

Don’t forget to check your Health Rebate for private insurance. And if you are on a pension, you will find both of these brands have hearing aids that are fitted under the Hearing Services Program scheme for Pensioner