Starkey Livio AI – welcome to the future of hearing aids!
The Australian launch of the Livio AI heralded the arrival of the first-ever hearing aid with not only AI, but also with integrated sensors – and it’s these sensors that have got everyone talking. The Livio AI Premium level hearing aid takes hearing and healthcare to a whole new level.
Employing the new Thrive platform and Thrive Hearing Control smartphone app, it gives the user a world of communication experiences. In fact, Starkey say it’s a "gateway to better health, wellness and ultimately, a better quality of life”. The Livio AI hearing aid allows users to perform better in a dynamic real-world environment by up to 50%, which includes a reduction in listening effort to get the clarity of speech required for clear understanding. But it does so much more than improve your hearing.

In fact, there are so many unique features in this new hearing aid it’s hard to know where to start but let’s look at three of the standout qualities that are giving this hearing aid prominence in the marketplace. These features turn a hearing aid into a health tracking device and a trusted communication partner.
- 1Health tracking:
The Livio AI will track your health using integrated information received from the Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) in the hearing aid circuitry. This technology incorporates an accelerometer and gyroscope to measure the wearer’s position and body movement. The IMU or ‘on-board sensors’ assess your physical and social activity while you’re wearing the hearing aid. From this information you will achieve a ‘Brain and Body Score’. This ‘score’ is taken from two categories. Firstly, you’ll gain points for moving your body. Your step count, physical activity (time-related) and incidental movement is tracked. This will give you an overall ‘Body Score’. The AI will then measure how much brain benefit the hearing aid is providing across three parameters - the number of hours you wear your hearing aid, how much you engage with other people, and the active listening environments you participate in. Research has shown there are links between hearing loss, dementia, anxiety and isolation. The Livio AI’s aim is to reduce the risk factors associated with being sedentary and isolated by motivating you to be more active and socially interactive with the Brain and Body score. - 2Translating your world:
This is so cool – especially if you like to travel! The Livio AI comes with a Language Translation feature on the Thrive Hearing App. Hearing loss can make travelling challenging, but if you’re well-prepared, it can still be enjoyable (see article in this issue). With 27 different languages available in the Livio AI translator app, travelling to foreign countries has just been made easier. This app allows the hearing aid to translate the speaker’s language right into your hearing aids. And it works in reverse with your speech being translated to text for the person you are communicating with to read off your phone. Remarkable! - 3Safety for all:
Studies suggest that if you have a hearing loss, your likelihood of having a fall is tripled, once you are over forty. The Livio AI combats this with the on-board sensors, as they’ve been designed to also be used as fall detection sensors. The Fall Detection in the Livio AI appears to have benefits over existing medical alert systems. With two hearing aids, there are two fall detection sensors This has been proven to be more effective in identifying when someone has a fall, compared to medical detection systems worn around the neck. The sensors, being situated on the head, give better and more accurate results in detecting falls. If the wearer falls, their loved ones will receive a text message, alerting them that assistance is needed. This technology gives peace of mind not only to the wearer, but to family members as well.
Other features available in this ‘healthable’ hearing aid include remote assistance from your Hearing Healthcare provider who can now remotely adjust your hearing aid. You won’t have to wait until your next appointment to get your hearing aid adjusted if you’d like something changed. Now you can contact your Audiologist or Audiometrist through the Thrive app. They can then alter the settings of your hearing aid remotely and send them to you to upload to your hearing aid. There’s also a geotag facility in the app so you can tag your favourite places and it will remember how you customised your hearing aid to that location

The Livio AI comes in a rechargeable model with Lithium-ion batteries and has Voice to Text transcription. Using the Bluetooth for streaming is easy to control with the Tap Control. To start or stop streaming into your hearing aids, just tap your hearing aid twice and the streaming sound is muted for you to hear speech or sound from a different source, then tap it twice again to restart the streaming.
But Starkey hasn’t stopped there. Research has shown a link between hearing loss and cardiovascular disease so the Livio AI will soon include a heart rate sensor. This feature will monitor heart rate and heart rate recovery after physical activity. This will add to the hearing aid’s ‘healthable’ portfolio and overall health tracking status.
The Livio AI hearing aid means many things - improved hearing, improved health outcomes, more social interaction and easy connectivity. It’s a hearing aid of the future that’s available for you now.
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