The brand new chip delivers twice the memory, 100% more speed, 30% more computing power and a new radio with 20% reduced power consumption. Together with an extended dynamic range, improved frequency response, a stronger wireless signal strength for enhanced ear-to-ear performance and localization of sound, ReSound LiNX Quattro 9 delivers our most clear, natural sound yet.
The ReSound LiNX Quattro 9 hearing aid has 17 channels and 4 customizable programs, and that gives it the flexibility to digitally process sound in a way that sounds natural, and can also be adapted to the particular listening environment of the wearer. It is powered by a size 13 battery which will need to be changed every 7-10 days. With a maximum potential gain of 75 SPL, the LiNX Quattro 9 is suitable for individuals with mild to severe hearing loss.